How do I create a lease agreement amendment? - Flatio
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How do I create a lease agreement amendment?

The article was updated on 12. 3. 2024.

Would you or your guest like to officially state any special agreement on the lease? Learn how to do it and check out our templates!

In practice, general lease amendments cover situations that are not listed in the Flatio lease agreement but that you and the guest would like to have described legally. This may include:

  • Legally adding the names of other people staying at the property for a defined period of time
  • An earlier/later move-in date and a consequent change in the first lease amount if necessary
  • Changing the rental amount
  • Accommodating the guest into another property than the one specified in the contract
  • Use of parking spaces and associated costs
  • Other non-standard situations agreed between both parties

IMPORTANT: If you need to make any changes that deal with money, (whether it is a change in rent, different payment of liabilities/receivables or other costs), please contact us at [email protected] to get everything into the system.

How do I create a general lease agreement amendment?

You can easily create a general amendment in My Rentals web app:

  1. Click on the specific guest’s name in the Guests section of My Rentals.
  2. In the submenu under the name, select the Agreements tab. You will see an overview of the contracts you have with the guest.
  3. Click the Detail button for the lease agreement you are going to renew.
  4. Select Create an Amendment from the action summary that appears under the See more button.
  5. In the following form, fill in the title and the text of the amendment (i.e., write what you have agreed with the guest). An example is available below.
  6. Save.

An amendment will be added to the basic lease agreement, which the guest must sign online (as when signing the lease) in order for the amendment to become valid. We will notify you by email as soon as the guest signs the amendment and you can always track the state in your profile as well.

General amendment text

Not sure how to fill in the text describing your General Amendment? Examples are given below:

IMPORTANT NOTE: Enter the amendment in your own language as well as in English (if your guest speaks a different language than you). These texts are not translated automatically.

1. Change in rent

Subject: Changing the rent for a certain period

Content: Host and Guest have agreed to a change of the monthly rent (i.e., rent for 30 days) for the period DD.MM.YYYY–DD.MM.YYYY. For this period, the monthly rent in the amount of XX XXX EUR changes to XX XXX EUR.

IMPORTANT: Since this is a general amendment, the payments are not changed automatically. Therefore, once the guest signs the amendment, you need to contact our Support team so we can edit the payments accordingly.

2. Other persons staying at the property for a set period

Subject: Adding another person/people to the Lease Agreement No. XXXXXXXX

Content: Host and Guest have agreed that the following person/people may also use the Residential Premises within the given period DD.MM.YYYY–DD.MM.YYYY:

personal data from ID card or password (name, surname, date of birth, ID/passport number), phone number, email address

3. Earlier/Later date of move-in

Subject: Changing the beginning of the lease from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY

Content: Host and Guest have agreed that the date of the beginning of the lease in the Lease Agreement nr. XXXXXXXX will change from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY.

IMPORTANT: Since this is a general amendment, the payments are not changed automatically. Therefore, such an amendment should be created only in case you and the guest agreed that the original payments will not be changed. If that’s not the case and you agree to have the payments adjusted according to the new dates of the guest’s stay, you need to contact our Support team once the guest signs the amendment so we can edit the payments manually.

4. Accommodation in another property

Subject: Changing of the Residential Premises stated at the Subject of Agreement No. XXXXXXXX

Content: Host and Guest have agreed that Residential Premises stated at the Subject of Agreement No. XXXXXXXX will be for a certain time (i.e., DD.MM.YYYY–DD.MM.YYYY) replaced by apartment No. X, Address, City, Postal code.

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